Welcome, Miss Natalie!

Tamarack Waldorf School is excited to announce our new lower and upper grades Movement teacher for the 2024-2025 school year, Miss Natalie!

Natalie Stehly is a mover, maker, and educator. She grew up in La Crosse, WI, where she was first introduced to Waldorf education as an early childhood student. Her passion for expressing though movement was fostered from a young age while dancing at La Crosse Dance Centre. Natalie attended the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign earning her BFA in Dance.

Following graduation, Natalie moved to New York City where she had the opportunity to dance and teach. She primarily taught in studios and in public schools through outreach programming. She is passionate about Brain Compatible Dance Education (BCDE) and recently completed the Summer Institute for Teachers with the founder of BCDE, Anne Green Gilbert. In addition to teaching dance, Natalie is a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher and Certified Children’s Yoga Instructor.

Natalie’s curriculum focuses on using the movement concepts of Space, Time, Force, and Body. Natalie is planning for the first movement class of the week with each grade to be based around a weekly theme. These classes will follow the same lesson plan structure throughout the year, creating repetition and routine, but the activities within will provide novelty. The second class in the week will focus on an athletic skill set based on a rotating monthly block including sports and topics such as frisbee, pickleball, yoga, and yard games.

In her spare time, Natalie enjoys riding her bike, rock climbing with her husband, and cozying up at home with her cat. Natalie is thrilled to be part of the faculty at Tamarack Waldorf and looks forward to learning alongside her students while exploring movement and athletics.

Molly Wardius